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By train/metro:  see the STIB website and the metro map.

  • From "South station" (Gare du Midi): take metro line #2/6 (direction Simonis (Elisabeth)) and get off at terminus (12 minutes).
  • From "Central station" (Gare centrale): take metro line #1 (direction Stockel) or metro line #5 (direction Hermann-Debroux). Get off at "Arts-Loi" metrostation (2 stops). Take metro line # 2/6 (direction Simonis (Elisabeth)) and get off at terminus (3 stops) (10-15 minutes)
  • From "North station" (Gare du Nord:): take metro line #3 (direction Churchill) or metro line #4 (direction Stalle). Get off at "Rogier" metrostation (1 stop). Take metro line # 2/6 (direction Simonis (Elisabeth)) and get off at terminus (15 minutes).

By car:

  • Introduce the "Côté Parc" coordinates (N 50°51.936' - E 004° 19.560') and follow your GPS instructions.
  • Look on Google Maps

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